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William Criado

Born in the city of Ocaña Norte de Santander Colombia on September 9, 1958 on a Tuesday. Based in the city of Ureña, State of Táchira, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, he establishes from there and during the course of everyday life, several specialized sources of work leaning more than anything towards the metalworking industry, the greatest achievement being the design and manufacture of equipment. specialized in powder paint coating by electrostatic application.

He pursued his higher studies in the border city of San Cristóbal, Táchira state, and at the ESUNAT naturopathy school, obtaining the TSU degree in nutrition and diet therapy. From now on, mentions by national and international congresses in: Manual therapies such as chiropractic, lymphatic drainage, and the different applications of massage, Clinical Bioenergy, Homeopathy, human resources, Clinical laboratory, Natural medicine, phytotherapy Lifestyle and environment, diagnosis by the iris, holistic approach and integral medicine. 


Credentials by Asmedas in pulmonology, by the Colombian-Venezuelan society of medicine integrated by Aso-educalt Latin American association for education in alternative models on: the management of psychiatric problems, by the association of homeopathic physicians from the north of Santander Colombia, by Aexcolnamed in alternative therapies in rheumatology and by the Latin American society of natural and traditional medicine, Solamenat in San Cristóbal Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

In transdisciplinary disciplines by the Colombian Association of Psychophysics, in clinical psychophysiology application of yoga to stress and transcendental psychology.

Writer of numerous articles referring to the subject that occupies the text of the book and founder of the integral health unit, USI institution and the International Center for Alternative Therapies CINTAL.


Kutulo hierarchy identified by the ORH- surrenders the rest of his race.

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