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William Criado

Born in the city of Ocaña Norte de Santander - Colombia on September 9, 1958 on a Tuesday. Based in the city of Ureña, State of Táchira, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, he establishes from there and during the course of everyday life, several specialized sources of work leaning more than anything towards the metalworking industry, the greatest achievement being the design and manufacture of equipment. specialized in powder paint coating by electrostatic application.


Hypnosis  regressive clinic


It is the induction to a totally controlled and deep sleep that arises after feeling the body loose, very relaxed and heavy, a capacity typical of human sensitivity and one of the three most important characteristics that our brain has to capture specific intentions through the subconscious, Under such a state, the person leaves everyday reality to enter another where there are no limits, without losing consciousness due to the direction of the one who induces, entering a field without time and without rigid or solid matter, basically it is the access to the fourth dimension consciously and by directed unfolding.


Kutulo race, emperors behind the aborted pandemic final phase.

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